Reaching the unreached:
MS focused on in the remote villages of four talukas (Manvi, Sindhanur,Maski,Sirwar) where people had not received work under MNREGA even after 12 years. Their Job cards were in the control of panchayat members who used them to siphon off the money. Despite of facing partriacal challenges from Grampanchayat members and landlords in the villages JMS ensured 100 days of work in five new villages (Jutlapura camp, Chimalapura,Lakkamdinni, Buddinni, Basapura). Through this relentless work JMS stopped people from migrating in few villages by creating a hope in the villages. JMS inspired many neo/semi literate youth to take up the work under NREGA.
Public Hearing:
JMS organised a public dialogue on Right to work and Equal wageswith the authorities at Manvi to resolve the NREGAissues which were pending since 2 years. Through this and several follow up interventions, 300 reject payments were cleared (payments rejected due to technical glitches such as adhar card does not match with bank account etc.) and pending wages was credited to the laborers’ accounts.
Across 50 villages, 3,500 families got acess to work for 100 days. JMS created 3,50,000 persondays of work and Rs.8.5 crores of income generated by 3,500 families.
Caste and gender discrimination was efficiently addressed and substantially reduced through this campaign. Marginalised Women were empowered to approach and exercise there rights at Grampanchayats and are enabled to question the authorities with dignity without feeling intimidated.
Work during COVID19 lockdown:
During March and April 2020 there was reverese migration in the villages due to COVID-19 and lock down across the country. Which severly effected the marginalised community. At this peak distress JMS made various interventions at Taluk and District level authorities and created 200 job cards for the retuned families in the villages and ensured immidiate work under NREGS with equal and right wages.
Direct links with District authorities:
JMS delegations directly approached the Chief Executive Officer, Assistant Commissioner and Deputy Commissioners when the Taluka and Panchayat level officers did not respond. For example, the bills that were pending for several months for constructing 150 toilets were cleared with such a delegation.